
Conference calls

How conference calls work with Sipleo


Centralization of teleconferences

All conferences held with our Sipleo solution are centralized on your SipleoAssist or landline. To be able to participate in or create an audio conference, simply launch or answer a first call.

During a telephone meeting with one or more interlocutors, the current conversation is displayed in the lower part of your SipleoAssist. A timer is triggered from the start to inform you of the duration of the call.

Optimized conference call management

Using a simple drag and drop or right click in SipleoAssist, you can add participants to the conference one by one. Moreover, your contact can be an internal collaborator as well as an external correspondent.

Thanks to Sipleo, you have the possibility to create or participate in audio conferences without an intermediary, link or access code.

Additional features

With the “call recording” option, available on Sipleo, the user can also decide to start a recording, in order to keep a copy of the telephone conversation. A very useful option in possible disagreements with a client, collaborator or service provider; or to share the content of the conversation with a person who would not have been able to participate.

Why set up conference calls?

Facilitate remote work

In recent years, collaborative tools have continued to develop. Today, in many companies, we use teleconferences very regularly (planned or unplanned), to simply be able to exchange or work as a team.

Is your goal to bring together several people (partners, department managers, employees) around a common project? Some people are fans of teleworking? No problem ! You can organize conference calls to bring together all the stakeholders, on a specific time slot or unannounced, in order to move forward on your project.


Promote collaborative work

This functionality is a major asset for your company, because it will facilitate communication (internal and external), develop collaborative work within your teams, but also reduce travel costs. This will allow you to optimize your time (in transport for example) and also reduce your carbon footprint.

Our business telephony solution generates a certain proximity between participants, because it offers more flexibility and speed than most teleconferencing software. Thanks to Sipleo, conversations between your agents, your customers and your suppliers are immediately simplified.


How to participate in a conference call with Sipleo?

Start your first conference calls!

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