Telephony and cyber attacks: what are the risks for your business?
#companytelephoneagile Telephony and cyber attacks: what are the risks? The number of online attacks continues to rise! What about telephony and cyber attacks? What are the risks for your business? Our team takes stock in this article. Telephony is ubiquitous in companies, and even indispensable in some sectors. Telephony can quickly become a security vulnerability within your company. Today, cybersecurity is a subject that concerns everyone: businesses, local authorities, associations, private individuals… There are no exceptions. However, many people don’t take the risks or the potential stakes involved seriously. Whether it’s your IT system, your website or your telephone system… Your company could be riddled with security holes! And that’s why you shouldn’t neglect them. It’s time to get ahead of the game. Protect your telecommunications, or leave it to an external service provider specialising in business telephony. Your company telephony may represent a security risk Unified communications publishers, including Sipleo, take all possible factors into account to guarantee you maximum protection. Today, business telephony is much more than a simple communications tool. It is an integral part of a company’s internal and external communications to facilitate exchanges. It can be used via a variety of media, including cordless phones, mobile phones, landline phones, PCs, laptops and tablets. However, despite these many advantages and this diversity of channels, which are crucial to internal efficiency, telephony represents a potential weakness within your company. In a world where everything is digitalised, it is important to understand, detect and even anticipate the various risks associated with corporate telephony. Sipleo, publisher of its own unified communications solution, takes these various dangers into account in order to put in place appropriate technologies that can anticipate and prevent external threats. What are the threats that your company may face? Telephony and cyber attacks: the threats your business could face 1 – Telecommunication costs The best known and most recurrent of all. Hackers use a telephone line to make continuous calls to premium-rate numbers and/or to countries where call charges are exorbitant. 2 – Eavesdropping If they are not secure, your company’s telephone exchanges can be listened in on. This means that third parties can steal very important and/or personal information about your customers or your organisation. 3 – DDoS (Denial of Service) attacks A Denial of Service (DDoS) attack consists of flooding a network with call signals in order to saturate it, then slow it down or simply put it out of service. 4 – Smishing Smishing” is a combination of the terms “SMS” and “phishing”. This practice consists of sending malicious messages aimed at recovering information or containing a virus. 5 – Vishing Vishing” is like “smishing”. It’s a word made up of two words: voice and phishing. Cybercriminals try to trick your employees into giving them lots of confidential information. How is Sipleo responding to cyber risks related to telephony? As mentioned above, many publishers take into account all possible existing and new factors to guarantee you optimum protection. This is also the case with Sipleo. It’s worth noting that the Sipleo team is the publisher of the company’s own telephony solution. So all the security data is managed in-house. Less service provider, less intermediary and therefore less risk of data theft for your company. All of Sipleo’s telephony packages automatically include all the security features: attack list, IP address ban, attack warning, security warning, black lists, IP address filter and firewall. Our equipment uses the SIPS and SRTP protocols to encrypt your end-to-end communications and ensure the security of all your telephone exchanges. What’s more, we can set up awareness-raising sessions for your staff. We believe that training is one of the most effective ways of preventing the external risks associated with your company’s telephony and unified communications. To find out more, contact Sipleo Télécom on 04 94 08 65 45 or by our online contact form. Do you have any questions about our VoIP telephony solution? Get in touch with our team today! contact@sipleo.com 04 94 08 65 45 Follow us:
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