
Click to Call

Call your contacts in just two clicks. Don't make any more mistakes. Exchange more calmly with your customers. It's possible thanks to click to call!

Click to Call on Sipleo: what is it? How to use it?


It will allow all Sipleo users to launch calls much more quickly, regardless of the web page they are on (Google profile, website, CRM, email account, etc.).

This is a very practical option that will quickly become essential to your daily life.

However, this functionality is very different from Call Back Web. To understand the difference between the two, go to the Call Back Web page.


How does Click to Call work?

This functionality is very easy to use! First of all, in order for you to use it, your workstation must be configured with SipleoAssist.

Do you have this tool? It’s perfect ! We will now explain to you, in a few steps, how it works:

It is notable that: did you click on the wrong number? No problem ! After clicking on “SipleoAssist”, your phone rings, but the call is only triggered when you pick it up. You can cancel the call and click on the correct number.

Why use this functionality?

This is a practical feature, which makes your daily work and that of your colleagues much simpler!

This option brings many advantages to each user and will not leave your agents indifferent. Here are a few :

Time saving

Save time in the process of launching a call (searching for the number, dialing the number, calling, etc.)

Automation of daily tasks

Automate certain recurring tasks to relieve your agents


Reduce the risk of making a mistake when dialing the number


Be able to instantly correct yourself if you click on the wrong phone number

Personalize your telephony with Sipleo!

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