
Customer case: Latitude GPS

Customer case: Latitude GPS. In collaboration with this agricultural GPS provider, we helped the company take advantage of their telephony!

Latitude GPS, GPS provider

Latitude GPS presentation

This company was founded in 1998 by Emmanuel Vauquelin, associated with his brother Vincent Vauquelin. Both, sons of farmers on the Neubourg plateau, in Eure.

Initially, the TPE specialized in surveying using GPS systems. Gradually, it began distributing Trimble equipment, a leading American company in precision agriculture. This brand mainly targets farmers, cooperatives and all structures linked to the agricultural sector.

After 20 years of experience in guiding, they developed the family business by purchasing the company ESPAD, located in Chavenon. Emmanuel and Vincent then merged with Terre-Satellite in 2017. They then formed the Vantage-Nord entity, a distribution network which covers part of French territory, overseas as well as French-speaking Africa.

Today, the team is made up of more than 32 employees in the region. in addition, the company wishes to evolve in Precision Agriculture on 4 major axes:



Latitude GPS used the Sipleo IPBX for fairly specific and technical needs. The latter concerned all incoming calls during the Covid-19 crisis.

Throughout this project, Latitude GPS technicians and our teams were able to collaborate efficiently and agilely. Telephone exchanges, emails…

The company deals with a very diverse category of customers, namely: farmers, agricultural employees, schools, specific organizations (cooperatives, GDA, CETA, businesses, etc.). This is one of the reasons why their need mainly targets incoming calls.

To save more time in processing calls and optimize human intervention, Latitude GPS wanted to set up a sorting system. Their need was to sort, filter and route all the people they spoke to specific services or people.

At the customer’s request and during each incoming call, our telephony solution had to be able to:

Identify customers and manage them using automatic file reporting

Detect who is calling based on the lines contacted

To redirect prospects, customers who are up to date on payment and those who are not

A technical need, a tailor-made solution!

A business expert and sound advice


Before starting the project, Sipleo conducted an interview with the company Latitude GPS. This made it possible to better analyze its organization and its needs.

After a few discussions, Xavier, Sipleo’s technical sales representative, was able to advise the GPS company on the multiple possible configurations and direct them towards other needs.

Once the constraints were listed, Xavier supported and guided Latitude GPS in structuring all this data.

Following this, the Sipleo technical team set about developing a POC (Proof of Concept). Its goal is to improve the project and then have it validated by the client.

Throughout this collaboration, our telephony solution was able to adapt to the expectations of Latitude GPS. We have also been able to demonstrate our ability to help a client, by supporting them in their activity or any constraints.

A highly advanced solution for Latitude GPS


The Sipleo team took care of the interactive voice server (IVR) by configuring and perfecting it. The goal is to respond to all of our client’s requests.

WaveSoft software, for its part, was configured by Latitude GPS IT specialists. This made it easier to pair with our Sipleo business telephony solution and power the IVR.

Computer telephony coupling (CTI) makes managing incoming calls much easier. In addition, it improves the productivity of each employee and especially meets very technical needs!

Very advanced filtering and routing of incoming calls


Among many technical configurations, Sipleo makes it possible to filter and route incoming calls to separate telephone exchanges.

Regarding Latitude GPS, Sipleo has configured a robot to facilitate the management of all incoming calls. During the configuration, it was also necessary to take into account the different seasons. Indeed, requests may vary depending on seasonality.

For our client, it was also important to be able to develop a robot that could detect, from the first rings of a call, the name of the caller. Once the name has been taken into account, the robot can redirect it according to several specific criteria: type of company, subscription payment, technical problems, etc.

For example, if Mr. Porte calls Latitude GPS for a technical problem, but he has not paid his entire invoice, he will first be directed to the sales representative, in order to regularize his situation, before being in contact with the technician.

The interactive voice server (IVR) is capable of proposing to the interlocutor the connection with a natural person at the telephone reception. This manipulation is possible if the user does not find an answer to his questions.

Finally, the CTI allowed the employees of the GPS company to optimize each call thanks to the automatic reporting of customer files.

Une augmentation de votre performance et de votre efficacité !


The interactive voice server (IVR) is beneficial for both Latitude GPS employees and its customers.

It makes the work of technicians more comfortable (for example). Indeed, the latter can mainly take care of the technical part. They therefore no longer need to inform customers about possible payment problems before answering their questions.

Thanks to the automatic reporting of files, Latitude GPS agents are more productive when they make or receive a call.

Some employees even have access to a dashboard, which allows them to measure KPIs or view general statistics concerning all of the company’s calls.

Our business telephony solution is a major asset for Latitude GPS, which has been able to increase its performance and win new contracts/receivables.

It also makes it possible to deal with multiple complex cases, such as an agricultural worker who works for several clients at the same time, for example.

Thanks to the Sipleo IPBX, Latitude GPS customers are more easily directed and their requests are processed more efficiently.

This project was able to highlight the numerous call management capabilities (incoming and outgoing), as well as the multiple advantages, that our business telephony solution can offer you.

Optimize your telephony with Sipleo!

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