Sipleo develops functionalities adapted for your company and offers your business telephony as well as your agents more professionalism.
On Sipleo, you can configure one or more incoming call scenarios. The configuration of these scenarios is generally made up of three tools: groups, profiles and schedules.
Here you will discover the advantages of the calendar management tool.
Before discussing the advantages of using the timetable management tool, we explain the objective of an incoming call scenario.
To begin with, Sipleo offers you the possibility of creating scenarios on your incoming calls, in order to relieve your teams of an intense telephone phase.
This configuration therefore improves the transfer of customer requests by taking into account the areas of expertise of your agents. The scenarios can be grouped by services (marketing, sales, administrative, etc.), or by skills (release of a product, management of an IT failure, management of quotes or contracts, etc.) or adapted according to your needs.
On Sipleo, the configuration of incoming call scenarios mainly includes three tools: groups, profiles and schedules.
What are the advantages of this tool?
It is accessible from a web interface.
It is colored, which allows you to visualize at a glance the telephone reception reserved for your interlocutors depending on the time of the day or week.
It can be modified on a scale of 15 minutes.
Some calendars can be duplicated (special days for example). The schedules for special days only contain the important dates of the year for the company (Christmas, summer holidays, Black Friday, winter sales, etc.) and take precedence over the initial schedules.
Questions about creating schedules?
Les téléphones
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