

The multi-entity consists of using a single computer program or telephony solution for several companies, from one installation.

What is multi-entity?

Multi-entity is a principle of software architecture, which consists of using a single computer program (for example) for several companies, from one installation.

Here, the program concerns our Sipleo business telephony solution.

How does multi-entity work with Sipleo?

It is very simple ! Multi-entity concerns two (or more) numbers. Additionally, each number is associated with an entity. When the two entities are contacted, the calls are sent directly to the same landline or the extensions of your colleagues. This may be different depending on the internal organization.

Sipleo is the perfect example to define multi-entity.

Example situation

Our software is designed and developed by the SDI company.

Sipleo and SDI are two structures located on the same site. When a customer seeks to contact the SDI company or the Sipleo solution, they dial the number associated with the correct entity.

Then, calls are automatically redirected to the extensions of employees who work for both organizations.

Please note that, thanks to Sipleo, you can configure and access different functionalities, depending on the line called:

Music and waiting message

Incoming calls scenarios

The interactive voice server (IVR)

Directory, calls log and messaging

What are advantages?

Multi-entity generates numerous advantages for your company and improves the productivity of your employees. Thanks to Sipleo’s multi-entity, you:

Reduce your costs

Since the telephone lines of your entities are centralized on your landline and/or those of your employees, the cost of installation and equipment becomes minimal.


Reduce the number of equipment

The system implemented by Sipleo allows you to save space by considerably reducing the number of equipment. Indeed, more telephone lines do not mean more landlines.

Get a number adapted to each structure

To reassure your customers and make exchanges more efficient, a telephone number is set up for each of your entities.


Make your employees more efficient and more serene

Plus, with Sipleo, everything is structured. When one of your customers tries to contact one of your entities, the name of the structure is displayed on SipleoAssist or on the screen of your landline phone.

Personalize your telephone reception and other options

To reassure your customers and make exchanges more efficient, a telephone number is set up for each of your entities.


Optimize your communications!

Do you have questions about multi-entity? Contact our team!