How it works ? What kind of tools can you use ?

By adapting its enterprise telephony to the profile of your employees, to its daily activities, to its internal organization, you allow a better management of your telephony.

Your switchboard Sipleo is adaptable to suit your daily business tool.

Members of a company can’t all have the same schedule, the same activities … So, by creating groups, profiles,schedules, or agents (for example creation of ACD), your enterprise will be able to offer your customers and employees an optimal management of their calls thanks to the Sipleo switchboard. The Sipleo PABX facilitates teleworking by guaranteeing a greater mobility.


A group is a set of extensions and / or groups. Indeed, it can contain different other groups. This function is accessible through your Sipleo switchboard. It makes possibilities being numerous. You will, for example, be a member of one or more groups. Are you in charge of several products? Are you participating in several working groups? Have you got many roles in your enterprise? To create groups will facilitate your daily work. When you create a group, it may be composed of extensions, groups or numbers outside of the PABX, your enterprise, your installation (for example : a cell phone). You can find, in your SipleoAssist, all of your employees organized according to their groups.

What are the interests ?

  • Have multiple profiles to establish weekly schedules. A profile is manageable manually or automatically and is corresponding to a schedule.
  • Have one or more voicemail boxes and differentiate your announcements. You can also create a preliminary hooked for your group in order to differentiate your group to others.
  • Restrict calls or route them according to their origin (internal, external…): so you will be able to block calls from, or to, a particular number, a particular destination (regional, international …) or GSM.
  • Enable or disable your group.
  • Be supervised or intercepted.
  • Access to facilities, to SipleoAssist or to a Web interface.
  • Limit the number of calls received: To don’t find yourself in a non manageable situation, fix the maximum number of calls you want to receive.


A profile is a configuration for a pre-setting an extension (office phone 4, Mr Smith …) or group (the secretariat, IT …). The profile can be set manually or automatically and wear a name chosen previously. With profiles, you’ll be able to establish a weekly calendar with different colors available for each profile.

What are the interests ?

  • Forward the call to another extension, another group or an external number. For example, when a caller tries to reach you after 18:00, you can choose his call is automatically transferred to your mobile phone through your Sipleo switchboard.
  • Define actions set an hourly basis with the schedule function. For example, during your lunch break, calls are automatically switched to your voicemail.
  • Transfer the call to voice mail or interactive voice response (IVR)
  • Reject calls according to their (internal or external) origin
  • Perform action based on length (no answer, busy, unavailable) by differentiating according to the origin of the call (internal or external). For example, when you are busy, the calls are switched by PBX Sipleo to another member of the group and external calls to an interactive voice response (IVR).

To facilitate the use of a profile can be copied to other extensions or group.

Profiles and schedule functions are closely related. You can activate profiles on a weekly schedule. There may be special days in the week where the usual schedule will not be played and where the special schedule will be privileged.


Understand how to configure and adapt your telephony


Your company is closed for the summer holidays ? National holidays ? You do not work on Wednesdays ?…The Sipleo IPBX gives you the opportunity to adapt your telephony to your schedule. Your voicemail boxes are easily activated and differentiable. Wish a good appetite to your contacts, wish happy holidays or just remind the opening times of your business!

What are the interests ?

  • Your schedule is accessible from a web interface.
  • It is manageable on a scale of 15 minutes!
  • Colored, your schedule is clear. You can easily view what profile is activated and therefore what is the telephone reception services activated.
  • Your schedule can be played repeatedly by year or not